Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Really Hate How Time Flies. Especially When You're Having Lots Of Fun.

End Of The First Weeek Of Holidaysss. Had Lots Of Fun Though Had Been Really Busyy. Starteed Only A Little On Homework.

Friday Was The First UB Outing! HAHA! Successful I Would Sayy. Morning Went To Plazaa For Lan! Had Lot's Of Fun! Afternoon The Rest Camee To My Housee For A Game Of Monopolyy. EPIC GAME!!

As For Saturday, Open Housee Was Fun! Hadd Lots Of Fun Interacting With Parents, Which Were Really Friendlyy. I Enjoyeed Myself Helping Thosee Parents, Guiding Them Aroundd The School, Relating My Experiences To Them And Assuring Them! :D 助人为快乐之本! ^^

As For Todayy, One Of The Most Significant Day Of Year 2011. Run For Hope 2011 Was A Success, I Must Sayy. Beforee The Run, I Wasn't In Great Conditionn. My Knees Had Beeen Aching For A Few Dayys Already. But I Did My Best. 'I Couldn't Possibly Givee Up' That Was All That Was In My Mind. Peoplee Out There Tryingg Their Best Fightingg Cancerr And They'ree Not Giving Up, How Couldd I Possibly Givee Up? Rann My Bestt, Overtoook Manyy Marathonn Runners. Simplyy Put It, I Overtoook Everyone I Saw In Front Of Me. Timing Of 45+Mins Was My Fastest! Was Reallyy Toucheed Becausee Even Handicaps On Wheel Chair And Crutches Toook Part In The Racee. Neverthelesss, Though My Whole Bodyy Is Achingg, I Did My Best, Definitely The Best Run Of The Year And Alsoo The Most Meaningful. The Research For Cancer Doesn't Stop Heree. Keeep Running.

Never Stop Believing That Tomorrow Will Be A Better Dayy.


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