Friday, August 5, 2011

Just Because We Don't Talk, We Don't Look At Each Other, Doesn't Mean I Don't Think About You. The Reason Is Because I Know I Can't Have You.

Finally. It's Coming To The End Of The Week. Yet Another Week Gone Like That. Tomorrow Will Be Having The Shines In Harmony. Need To Report To School At 7!!! Sian Diao. For 6 Consecutive Week Had Not Had A Good Sleep On Saturday Because Of My CCA But Now CCA Stand Down Than Got Shines In Harmony!!! -.- 

This Week Is Hell. The Week That We Students Suffer The Most Because Next Monday To Wednesday Will Not Have Any Lessons And The Common Test Is On Friday But It's Finally Over. Teachers Just Keep Going On And On And On And They Never Realise That We Students Don't Even Understand What They Are Teaching. They Are Rushing The Syllabus And I'm Sure They Can Finish Teaching Everything Before The Common Test. Just That We All Don't Understand What're They Teaching.

When Teachers Go Too Fast, We're Not Given Time To Comprehend And Absorb. All We're Taught Are The Formulas Or What We Have To Know But When It Comes To Applying, We're So Dead. Twist The Question Slightly And I'm Sure I Can't Solve It Already. For Today's Chemistry Lesson, Teacher Manage To Finish Teaching Everything That Will Be Covered In The Common Test But We'll Have To Go Back And Memorise Everything. For Physics, I Think I'll Fail My Common Test. Though The Teacher Had Taught Us The Method To Find Newton At Which Direction Depending On The Force And Direction, When It Comes To Applying In The Workbook Questions, I Simply Can't Solve. I'm Like: 'What Is The First Step? What Do I Do Next?' When I Saw The Questions.

 For The Seemingly Long Holidays Because Of National Day, It Is Used For Us To Prepare For Our Common Test But The Teachers Said As If We Ate Up Their Period And They Wanted Make-Up Lessons. If Holidays = Eating Up Teacher's Lessons, Than During School Holidays, We Must Have Eaten A Whole Lot Of Their Lessons, Then What's The Point Of Holidaysss!? -.- I Believe Teachers Feel Stressed Too. They Should Be Able To Understand How We Students Are Also Equally If Not, More Stressed.

Hahaha! But There's Something To Rejoice About Today! It's
Soo Qing's & Jalvin's Birthday!
Happy Birthday My Fellow Brothers! 

To Soo Qing:
           Haha Hope You Had Fun At Pizza Hut Cause I Did And I Bet You Did! :D This Three Years In Nan Chiau High School Has Been Simply Awesome With Friends Like You! We Always Manage To Suan Each Other! Hahaha! We Make Good And Awesome Brothers! :D

To Jalvin:
          Isn't It Awesome? We've Known Each Other Since P3 Or Is It P4 Till Now? :D You're Still Equally Smart Or Would I Say Smarter? Though I've Become Rather Stupid! -.- Hehehe! Must Help Me In Maths!!! :D

Thinking Of The Amount Of Homework And Revision I Have To Do, I Just Feel All Lazy. I Shall Try But I Know I'll Never Make It Finishing My Revision For Each And Every Subject As Well As Completing Those Homework.


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