Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A True Story.

Because It Wasn't Exactly A Love Story. But It Sure Was True. I Don't Like Writing About Fictions And I Don't Think I'm Good At That.

It's About Someone Who Was Always There In My Mind. That Someone Who Will Always Be There In My Heart. Because She Wasn't Just Special. She Was Absolutely One-Of-A-Kind. From How I've Known Her Till How I Met Her And How It Progresses On.

I Could Remember Exactly Everything I've Known About Her. Her Mad Love For Sheeps, Tom Yam, Strawberries And Most Importantly, Her Love For Books. Cecelia Ahern's Ones Especially. Thoughtful, Caring, Kind, Sweet And Helpful. Extremely Beautiful Smile And Super Duper Cute Voice. Sometimes, A Little Silly Which Makes Her Really Cute.

When You Meet Someone Like That, Cherish Them. It's Extremely Rare To See Someone With Such A Character And Personality. And Too Bad For Me. I Wasn't In Love With Her Looks. It Would've Been Better That Way. Letting Go Was Going To Be A Whole Lot Easier. But What Caught Me Hanging There Was Her Vibrant Smile That Could Change The Whole World.

She Is Someone Who Appreciates. I Don't Know Who Ever Does That. I Guess That's Why I Was Willing To Go The Extra Mile To Do Something For Her. She Deserved Better. I'm Sure Someone Out There Will Give Her What She Deserves.

She Is Someone Who Puts Others Before Herself. I Know That Very Well Which Is Why I'll Always Put Her Before Myself. Even If I Finish Last, It's Okay. That Was What I Did Willingly. But There Are Times I Failed And I Could Tell Exactly What She Was Doing.

She Is Someone Who Has A Huge Heart That Can Contain Every Single Nonsense You Throw At Her. And She May Feel Angry At Times But Just Doesn't Show It. Why? Because She Is Just That Amazing.

She Is Someone Who Can Influence Others. When You're With Her/Talking To Her, You Just Want To Work Harder, Do Better. It's Like Nothing Is Impossible. That's The Kind Of Motivation She Gives Others.

She Is Someone Whom I Cannot Even Describe Exactly Using Words, Because Even The Words In The Dictionary Feels Limited When It Comes To Describing Her.

And She Is One Who Can Create Miracles.

Maybe She Was Silly To Think That She Was Never Good Enough. Or That Could Be Just A Lie Because She Wants Me To Feel Better About Myself. But The Actual Truth Could Be She Hasn't Even Let Go Of The Past. She Wasn't Ready To Move On Yet.

Maybe To Her I Was Never More Than A Friend. But I Guess That's Good Enough. Seeing Her Truly Happy Was Enough. I Don't Know When That Will Ever Happen But I Was Willing To Sacrifice My Happiness Because I Know Maybe That's Something I Cannot Give You Even If I Was Given A Chance.

She Is The Special One I Can Never Have. Stay Happy. (:


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