Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Taiwan - Day 1

What Should I Say? This Is By Far The Best Overseas Trip I've Been And The Best Thing That Has Happened In My Life. I've Been To Japan, Macau, Hong Kong/Sheng Zhen, SiChuan But This Is The Trip That Was Most Fruitful Among Them All.

It All Comes Down To When I First Made My Choice Of Coming Into This Course. BFS. Banking And Financial Services. What Was I Thinking Of? Being A Banker? I Used To Dream Of Becoming A Banker When I Was Younger But Then As I Grow Older, My Directions Became Clearer. I Was Definitely Going Into The Business Industry. Most Probably I Want To Open A Food Chain Restaurant. I Love Food. And It Was Business.

Now Back To Taiwan (Sat, 27 September ~ Sat, 4 October). It Wasn't Just A Fun Trip. I've Learnt Way More Than That. Taiwan's Business Environment. It Was A Great Opportunity, That's If There Isn't Any Here Right In Singapore. And What? Isn't Business All About Networking? Taiwan Barriers To Entry Is Low, Resulting In Huge Competition In All Forms Of Businesses. Singapore Barriers To Entry Isn't High Either, But We're All Trapped In This Small Island. How Much More Can We Expand, Except In Terms Of Productivity Levels?

Okay So What's So Amazing About This Trip? It Wasn't Just The Place. It Wasn't Just The People There. It Was The Company I Had. We Had The Best Lecturers On This Trip, Which Were More Like Our Friends. Not Forgetting The Amazing Tour Guide We Had From The Taiwan Side. And Of Course I Think I Was The Luckiest, Because I Had The Craziest And Funniest Group. Best Group Of Friends Ever.

Tonnes Of Photos In This 8 Days Trip. Most Of These Photos, Credits To My Lecturer Mr Zen Low. So Here You Go.

Before We Checked-In And Boarded The Plane. Look At The Mini-Banner. So Cuteee HAHAA!

No Idea How I Was Seen In This Picture. 
But Look At Everyone, All Hyped Up.

Can't Remember When Was The Last Time I Board An SIA Plane
They Sure Are Generous When It Comes To Serving Ice-Cream.

Had Our Welcome Dinner At This Placed Call 火锅神 (Steamboat God). They Offered Tonnes Of Vegetables But Somehow I Still Managed To Finish It And I Don't Know How. LOL.

Touchdown. (:

Visiting The Mall 'Eslite Spectrum'. Nothing Much To See Or Maybe It's Because Everything Were Too Costly.

And Finally. Look At This Cosy Room. It's A 3-Star Hotel. 
Can You Even Believe It? I Wouldn't Give It Anything Less Than A 4-Star.

And Yup. Day 1 Ended Just Like That With Everyone Feeling Tired From The Long Plane Ride.

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