Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sometimes, You Just Change Into Someone You Never Thought You Would Ever Become.

Back From Taiwan Like Finally!!! And Headed Over To Celebrate Grandma's Birthday After Touching Down. Of Course, Running Was Next. Just A Short Post And Definitely Not Going To Be A Post On Taiwan. I Will Post All The Pictures Up In The Next Damn Post! More Like A Life Journal, Not Like Anyone Reads My Blog Anyways!

But Anyway It All Falls Down Onto Me. My Problems. I Can Be So Insensitive And Sensitive At The Same Time. It's Like There Are Two Sides Of Me. The Bright Side And The Dark Side. The Bright Side Is Telling Me To Tell Jokes And Just Be Happy But Sometimes When You Get Too Comfortable With People, You Tell Jokes Which Can Be Really Hurtful When Misinterpreted And Trust Me I Have No Such Intentions.

And I Really Like To Annoy People. I Don't Know Why But I Find It Really Fun. But When I Realise Some People Cannot Take It, Then I'll Just Keep Quiet All The Way. And This Is When My Dark Side Comes In. Sometimes I Just Feel Like People Find Me Really Annoying To The Extend That Even I Myself Find It Too. Then I Just Shut Out Everything And Keep Quiet, Afraid That The Next Thing I Say Is Just Simply Annoying.

But That Aside. My Mindset Have Really Changed Totally. Before This Trip, Even Though I Know It's Better Staying Single, There's Still Some Hope Somewhere Things Might Change Somehow, Miracles Maybe. But As For Now I Can Feel The Huge Difference. I'm More Of An Introvert Now. Maybe Half Introvert.

I Can Interact And Make Friends With Guys. No Problem. I Would Like To Make Friends With Girls Too But Then Again There Is That Fear And Hence I Prefer To Stay Away From Fire. I Don't Want To Ever Get Attached To Anyone Or Misinterpret Anyone Who's Just Being Nice. And I Think It's Gonna Stay Like This For Some Time. Unless You're Being Friendly, If Not..

But Then Again. There's This Burst Of Creativity In Me. Maybe I'm Going To Put It Into Cooking And Coming Up With Some Colorful Dishes Or Maybe Pick Up More Magic Skills Instead Of Putting In Effort Doing Things For This Thing Called "Love".

Whatever It Is, I Know Things Will Happen That Will Continue To Steer The Direction I'm Heading Towards.


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