Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Pain I'm Feeling Right Now, How Do I Even Describe It? I Don't Even Know Why I Am Feeling This Way. Maybe I Don't Want To Know.

Good Or Bad First? Bad Bah. Don't Think I Did Well For Any Of My CT. I Stepped Into The Exam Hall And My Mind Goes Blank.. But I Don't Want To Think About What's Over. Shouldn't We Be Forward Looking? What's Happened Has Happened, No Point Brooding Over It. Good News Is That Tomorrow Will Be My Last CT Paperrr! Wooohoooooo! (:

Will Alsoooo Be Having Camp Tomorrow Till Sunday. HAHAA! I Really Want To Not Think About Anything. Keep My Mind Busy. (: And Can't Wait For Next Week! Meeting My Fellow UB's. And Meeting Up With Many Of My Other Friends. Great Week Aheaddddd.

And Sometimes It Feels So Hard To Explain. Like How You're Feeling. And Even Describing It. To Put It Simply.. There's This Weird Feeling In Me. When You're Feeling Low And All, I Will Feel Low Too. But This Isn't Supposed To Happen. What The Fack Is Wrong With Meee? I Really Wish I Could Do Something To Make You Feel Better, Feel Happier But You Know, There's Nothing I Can Do. Okay. I Should Stop All This Thoughts. Helpless. Hopeless.


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