Tuesday, October 20, 2015

It's Time To Get Serious.

For Real This Time.

I'll Always Tell Myself To Work Really Hard (Both Physically And Academically) At The Start Of Each Semester But The Motivation Just Dies Off After The First Or At Most Second Week. And Of Course I Know Why But I Never Really Bothered To Make A Change. The Change Was Always In My Head, But My Clumsy Hands And Idiotic Legs Just Say NOOO! Go F*** Yourself. Ohhh Yea.

It Has Been A Struggle For Years Actually. Just Take A Look At This.

2,789 Hours On Record

Or Should I Say 116 Days Of My Life Playing Dota Or 1.64% Of My Current Life (Without Sleep/Eating/Shitting). Assuming I Live To An Age Of 70, That Accounts To About

0.45% Of My Entire Life Wasted
About 1.5% Of My Youth Wasted. 

I Must Be So Damn Insane. Of Course This Number Of Hours Isn't Entirely Accurate Because I Spend Probably A Quarter Of The Time Doing Other Things While Waiting For My Friends To Join.

Playing Dota Isn't Entirely A Waste Of Time Actually But It's Definitely Unproductive. It's A Game That Really Works On Your Reflexes And Such And I've Also Made Many Mutual Friends Through This Game, So It Isn't An Entirely Negative Thing.

All I Can Say Is That Time Could Definitely Be Better Spent Elsewhere. Assuming I Spend This Time Working..

And I Earn $6/Hr > Total Sum $16,734

And If I Put This Amount Into A Fixed Deposit Of Let's Say 2%,

Annual Yield = $334.68. Pretty Impressive Right?

If I Have A Bigger Risk Appetite And I Decided To Do Long Term Investment In Blue Chips With Dividends..

Assuming Rates : 6%

Annual Yield = $1,004.04. Crazy Enough!?

This Is Just A Scenario. 

I Have Deleted That Damn Satanic Game Which Sucked Part Of My Life.

I've Finally Decided To Work Hard For My Last Semester. I Have Been Slacking Through Out My Polytechnic Life Since The Very First Day I Step Into The School. I'll Attend Every Lecture And Tutorial But I Barely Put In Any Effort In Tutorials Or Spend Really Serious Effort In Listening To Lectures. Most Of My Exam Results Equates To The Effort Of Last Minute Mugging And Not Consistency Throughout The Semester. And The Excuse I'll Give Myself For Not Doing Well Is That I'm Just Stupid Which Obviously Isn't The Case (Feeling Pretty Lucky To Be Having A C-GPA Nearing 3.5 Still)

I Never Really Challenged Myself For That 4.0 Or At Least A 3.9 (Except During Internship). Previous Semesters Were So Much Easier. It's Down To The Last Semester And I Believe The Things We're Going To Pick Up Is Definitely The Most Challenging And Relatable To Prepare Us For The Real Working World. It Has To Be The Most Useful.

For Once I Ask Myself This, What Have I Accomplished In My Poly Life?

I Have No Idea Now But At Least I Do Have An Idea Of What I Want To Accomplish And How I Am Going To Go About Accomplishing It.

For The Past Few Semesters, I've Been Showing How To Not Do Badly Without Putting In Much Effort. 

I Guess It's Time To Show How To Do Well When I Start Putting In Effort.


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