Friday, November 30, 2012

Time Please Past Faster! Because Only Time Will Tell Me Which Direction I Should Be Heading..

Very Very Very Long Time Since I've Blogged! Exams Are Long Over! But I Don't Feel Relax At All. Found A Job! And Yessss! I'm Working At NEX. Somewhere.. Over The Rainbows. JKJK! HAHAAAA! So Busy Till I'm Honestly Very Lazy To Blog, That's Why This Blog Is Dead! But Whatever. No One Visits This Place Anyway! So It's Never Been Alive.

So People Do Change. Yup. Everyone Does. And Misunderstandings. They're Inevitable. Imagine Life When Everyone Was So Sweet And Understanding. Not Possible? And The Feelings Of Being Replaced. They're All Very Real. I Look At Myself In The Mirror. I've Aged. Became More Matured. 

Only When I'm At Work. Yup. Working Has Taught Me Alot. Money Don't Come By Easily, Neither Do They Drop From The Sky. You See, I Work Full Time For 1 Month. It Is Only Sufficient For Me To Buy An iPhone 5. Not Even That + My Food. But I'm Not Working For The Pay. Needed Some Experience. Needed To See The World, The Harsh Reality. Working Isn't That Bad. I'm Getting Along Pretty Well With The Staff There. And The Promoters ( Mostly Aunties ) Are Really Interesting And Friendly. Full Of Gossips. And I've Made New Friends. They've Helped Me Alot During This Few Days. I'm Thankful!

And The Customers. Always So Understanding ( For Most Of Them ) And Friendly. They Give Me The Motivation To Work On, To Give Them The Best Service, To Learn More, To Upgrade Myself So I Can Help Them. The Joy From Helping People, You Can't Get It Anywhere You Like. It's Not Like A Thrilling Ride On A Roller Coaster. It's A Whole Different Feeling. And The Sense Of Satisfaction When The Customer Thank You For Your Help And That Lovely Smile. Tastes So Sweeet. Don't Believe? Try It Out Yourself Then.

At Least, I Find Joy In My Work, Not When I'm Alone, Not When I'm Left Out In The Dark, Not When I'm Being Ignored, NOT WHEN I'M INVISIBLE. Hello!? 把我当成透明阿? Seriously. Just Tell Me What's Wrong. What Did I Do Wrong? I Don't Have The Right To That Answer? No? Even If You Don't Like Me, Don't Want To Be Friends With Me, Don't Want To See Anymore, At Least Let Me Know Lah. ( Not So Serious ) I'm Not Angry. ( I May Sound Like I Am ) Just Disappointed.

But It's Lucky I'm Only Brooding Over All This When I'm Alone. Maybe That's Why I Found So Much Joy In Working. People There Treated Me With Warmth, Like A Family. 

To Be Honest, My Mum Is Very Sensitive, My Dad Is Not Sensitive, I'm In Between. Towards Some Stuffs I Might Be Sensitive, While Some I Just Don't Give A Damn. Maybe Everything Was Exaggerated, But At Least At Some Point Of Time, I Felt This Way.

Let's Just Hope Things Go Back Right Into Place. ( Even If It Seems Hopeless )
But I Really Don't Have The Strength To Bother Anymore. I'm Done.


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