Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Should Set Myself High Expectations. Even If I Fail To Meet Them, I'll Try Again, Because I Know One Day, My Efforts Will Pay Off.

The Holidays Are Coming To An End. The Final Time To Slack And To Have Fun. 123 Days To O Levels! Time Really Flies~ That's Like 4 Months Left Or About 15 Days Left To Study For A Subject ( Cause I Have 8 ). Time Is Short Or I Am Short Of Timeeee. Cannot Afford To Slack That Much Once School Reopens Already. Huat Ahhhh.

Anyway Though This Holidays To Me Feels Only Like 2 Short Weeks ( Cause First 2 Weeks Had Lessons Every Single Day ), Still Manage To Had Loads Of Fun. The Day Before Went To IcePoolz @ Kovan! Yesterday Afternoon Studied At Coffee Bean @ Greenwich, While Night Went To Chomp Chomp With My Cute And Awesoemee Friends! HAHAAA!

When You're Having So Much, Time Just Zooms Past. Everything Just Turn From Reality Into Memories. Footprints Left On The Ground~ Feel Happy Because It Happened Not Sad Because It's Over. Nothing Lasts Forever. Happiness Is Short-Lived.

Time To Charge Forward. I'll Just Have To Endure Everything Till After O Levels, Then I'll Be Able To Enjoy My 2 Months Holiday.


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