Monday, February 14, 2011

My First Blog Post! Happy Valentines Day!! :D

Okay..Sorry This Is My First Post...Haha New to Blogging, Readers ( Or If There Are Any ) Are Welcome To Give Constructive Comments. Okay First...HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! Hey!! But I'm Seriously Feeling Abit Jealous, Seeing Those Lovely Couples Walking Together...D:

Hmm Okay..I'll Go Straight To Blogging...Read The Newspapers In The Morning Than Saw This Article About Swimming Improves Running -.- I Don't Know That How Can I Not Know That?...Zzz I Must Start To Learn Swimming Already...Have Not Swam Since P2 And Must Have Forgetten..Haha. First Period Of The Day Was Maths -.- I Could Not Even Understand A Maths Chapter 2.7 And The Teacher Was Already At Chapter 2.8 -.- Hmm..Other Lessons Of The Day Were Okay...Got Lots Of Homework Today And History Test Tomorrow...I Guess Everyone Is Having Test..Jiayou People Okay :) After School Intended To Buy Myself A Valentine Day Gift But No One Wants To Pei Me -.- ( Ps. Will Get You One When We're Together ) 

Dedicated Post To xxx:

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