Thursday, February 17, 2011

If Only Someone Could Replace You In My Heart...

Today...Bad Day...Actually Not Really -.- Today The Worst Thing Is Taking The Maths Test...Think I'll Fail T.T Haha Let's Not Talk About Test...At Least Today's Social Studies Test Was Easy To Me ;D I'm Really Starting To Love Our New Principal. Attended The Councillor Session With Him And Found Out That He Will Be So Damn Awesome If He Carried Out What He Promised Us!!! :D He Told Us That He Might Want To Change Our Library To Add In Sofas And Cushions Like The National Library To Improve Our Learning Environment And He Wanted To Change Our Canteen To Something Like Macdonalds..Adding Bright Colours And Round Tables Into The Canteen. He Also Talked About Changing Our PE T-Shirt Design And Also At Least Change The Quality. Our PE T-Shirt Is So Pathetic...It's Not Even Dry Fit -.- Yay!! He's So Awesome :D

Today The Best Thing That Happened Was That The Indoor Sports Hall Facilities Can Now Be Used!!!! WoooHOoooooooooo!!! :DDDDDDDD I Just Love The New Fitness Corner And Indoor Basketball Court ^^

My Blog Is So Pathetic...No Readers -.-

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